Satellite Tracking Dashboard Widget
A satellite tracking widget for my monitoring dashboard project
Lightweight dashboards via the Linux Framebuffer
A lightweight Python module I wrote for my Raspberry Pi to display monitoring dashboards using without any GUI, just the framebuffer.
Raspberry Pi External Status Lights
Wiring up "online" and cpu activity lights via GPIO.
Instrumenting Utilities Usage
How I monitor water and electricity usage for my house, using a raspberry pi, an rtl-sdr, and prometheus+grafana.
Setting up Bind9 as a forwarding DNS server
Setting up Bind9 to forward DNS requests to cloudflare + google, and adding some additional records for my lan.
My Raspberry Pi Setup Checklist
My checklist for Americanizing and configuring a new raspberry pi.
Linux Framebuffer Graphics
Using the linux framebuffer for raw graphics without a window system.