Quick JQ Usage & Examples

Quick examples for getting the hang of using jq in your terminal
3 min read

Here’s my quick reference for getting for some of the basic commands in the command line tool jq. For the uninitiated - JQ is a json manipulation tool which allows you to perform all sorts of operations on a JSON string passed via an argument or stdin.

This doc isn’t meant to be used as a comprehensive manpage, but a quick reference for operations in JQ that I use a lot.

We’ll be using the following json as input for the next examples:

  { "name": "Harry Potter" },
  { "name": "Ron Weasley" },
  { "name": "Hermione Granger" }

Extract List Elements

We can extract a field from each item item as valid as json:

$ cat students.json | jq '.[].name'
"Harry Potter"
"Ron Weasley"
"Hermione Granger"

However, if we’re reading these values in a shell script for some other use, it’s probably better to not have the quotes, using the -r “raw” option to print just the text:

$ cat students.json | jq -r '.[].name'
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger

Modifying elements

We can set properties on arbitrary elements like in this example. However, if we omit the 0 in the filter, it’ll set the property on all of the students.

$ cat students.json | jq '.[0].age = 11'
    "name": "Harry Potter",
    "age": 11
    "name": "Ron Weasley"
    "name": "Hermione Granger"

Deleting Properties

We can also delete properties from the json source. To do this, we use the del() function and the Update-assignment |= operator:

# this'll leave us with empty objects, because all we have are names!
$ cat students.json | jq '.[] |= del(.name)'

Adding to lists

We can also use JQ to append to arrays inside of json. For example, we can add a student like so:

$ cat students.json | jq '. += [{ "name": "Draco Malfoy" }]'
    "name": "Harry Potter"
    "name": "Ron Weasley"
    "name": "Hermione Granger"
    "name": "Draco Malfoy"

A useful feature of jq is it accepts content from stdin (which we’re already using via cat). This means we can pipeline them together in order to get a list of the modified students. For example, we could use curl to fetch something, and then JQ to parse or modify it.

$ cat students.json | jq '. += [{ "name": "Draco Malfoy" }]' | jq -r '.[].name'
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy


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